Is Beating Lv2 Monster Lords Mobile Easy

Guild Bash is a two day event (shortened from 3 days in the last major update) where Guilds earn points by completing challenges, in order to summon and kill Guild Event monsters, most often Huey Hops, Hoarder and Arctic Flipper.

Monster 2.png Calendar [ ]

Guild Bash takes place during other Special Events, and usually occurs every 1-3 months

Scroll.png Event Rules [ ]

To summon the Guild Event monsters, guilds must reach the Monster Crests by scoring points. There are three Crests to reach, the points required vary by Guild Bash level:

Monster 1.png Monster Crests Guild Bash Beginner.png Beginner Guild Bash Intermediate.png Intermediate Guild Bash Advanced.png Advanced Guild Bash Expert.png Expert Guild Bash Master.png Master Monster Total
1 102,400 204,800 371,200 640,000 768,000 1
2 409,600 819,200 1,484,800 2,560,000 3,072,000 3
3 1,024,000 2,048,000 3,712,000 6,400,000 7,680,000 6

Guilds that obtain all 3 Crests will advance to the next level in the Guild Bash. Guilds that do not obtain at least 2 Crests will drop to a lower level in the next Guild Bash.

Guild Event monsters can only be summoned by a guild's Rank 5 and Rank 4 players. When a Guild event monster is summoned, it will appear close to the person who summoned. It will also be announced in the Kingdom Chat and can be attacked by anyone in the Kingdom.

The Level of the monster (1 - 5) depends on the Guild Bash Level of the Guild that summoned it. Higher level monsters will have more HP, but drop higher grade loot. Important: they will also require higher level Monster Hunt research to hit.

After the event ends, guilds will have 24 hours to finish summoning Monsters, before their Monster Crests disappear. Unused Monster Crests will not carry over to the next event.

Points.png Points [ ]

When individual players score points, these will contribute to their guilds overall point count. Players can only score points for the guild they started the event in. Leaving the guild during Guild Bash, will not affect any points already accumulated.

There are four different ways to earn points during Guild Bash:

Hell Event Points.png

Complete Hell Events - 1 Hell Event gives 16,000 Points.

Donation Points.png

Donate items in the Donation Box.

Darknest Points.png

Win Darknest Coalition battles (Rally Captain only). The Darknest levels that are available vary by Guild Bash level.

Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level Expert Level Master Level
Darknest Level 1-2 Darknest Level 1-3 Darknest Level 1-4 Darknest Level 1-5 Darknest Level 1-6
Darknest Level Amount Points per Nest
Level 1 50 6,000
Level 2 40 10,000
Level 3 30 17,000
Level 4 20 30,000
Level 5 10 70,000
Level 6 5 120,000

Monster Points.png

Hunt Monsters Points
Hit Lv 1 Monster 30
Hit Lv 2 Monster 60
Hit Lv 3 Monster 120
Hit Lv 4 Monster 180
Hit Lv 5 Monster 360
Kill Lv 1 Monster 100
Kill Lv 2 Monster 600
Kill Lv 3 Monster 2,500
Kill Lv 4 Monster 10,000
Kill Lv 5 Monster 30,000

Reward.png Rewards [ ]

There are two different rewards in Guild Bash:

  1. Summon Bonus.png Summon Bonus: Everyone in the guild is rewarded with a Summon Bonus every time a guild summons a monster.
  2. Slayer Loot.png Slayer Loot: Is rewarded to all members of the guild that land the killing blow on the monster.

The Grade (Common - Legendary) of both chests depends on the current Guild Bash Level.

Box.png Tips [ ]

Scoring points [ ]

  • Choose Hell Events that require low points, so more can be completed with less speed ups.
  • Monster Hunt Hell Events give double points during Guild Bash.
  • Coordinate monster hunting with guild members, to kill as many monsters as possible.
  • Hunt only monsters that guild members can kill.
  • Focus on hunting monsters that require Agility Heroes, as they are usually easier to kill.

Summoning and killing the Special Monsters [ ]

  • Announce the summoning time in guild mails and get as many guild members online as possible.
  • Set out Camps all around the summoning spot to discourage monster thieves, or at least make their hunts longer.
  • If another guild is trying to steal the monster, the guild members closest to the monster should wait until it is almost dead, and then all hit it at the same time.

Gallery.png Gallery [ ]

Hell Event.png Events

Wonder Battles Battle Royal • Dragon Arena • Feudal War • War for the Chalice • War for Wonders
Guild Events Guild Bash • Guild Fest • Guild Showdown
Kingdom Events Kingdom Clash • Lords Cup
Monster Events Code 66 • Phantom Pains
Turf Events 24h Challenge • Bargain Store • Event Shop • Exchange Extravaganza • Familiar Workout • Hell Event • Kingdom Labors • Labyrinth Alert • Limited Challenge • Solo Event • Super Gem Time • Turf Transformation • Tycoon Update • Winter Event
Guild.png Guild

Guild Gift • Gift Shop • Guild Shop • Monster (Hunting) • Rally
Garrison • Reinforce • Supply

Guild Events
Guild Bash (Monsters) • Guild Fest • Guild Showdown


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